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man, Sahlmann, Miller, Cooke, Allende, Castellino--and the list could go on and on. To know people is to live.

Saw Mr. Swope today--a couple of very fleeting glimpses. He looks like his pictures--short, smooth, clever-looking. Quite an appeal to my imagination.

[[underlined]] To Mother, September 21, 1927 [[/underlined]]: We received your letter from New York and were interested to hear of your travels all around the metropolis. You have been the gayest person I ever heard of the last few days in Syracuse and the days in New York. I would like to hear Charlotte Snyder (former soprano in the choir of our Unitarian Church in Syracuse) in the "The Desert Song;" I suppose she is the one who sings it. I am sorry you didn't see Freddie. I wrote to him, as you know, when you were here. I didn't even know Nan Southworth was engaged. She surely is a most attractive girl. I don't doubt that Johnnie will make good in the business for he is very clever at writing, which must be an asset. Too bad their mother is in poor health. Your card written near Buena Visa arrived today. I'm glad it is summery there, as it is just the opposite here, being very cold rainy and unpleasant. ..... We had the Luthers over here Monday evening for a farewell round of bridge. Luther related several stories concerning the "Old Man" (Mr. Emerson) which were killing, Luther imitating Mr. E. One story went something like this if you can imagine Luther telling it: (Mr. Emerson supposedly talking): "The Missus used to keep after me so much to be careful driving the new car. She sat back there and would [[underlined]] continually [[/underlined]] say, 'Will, please don't drive so fast!' Well, on our trip to Schenectady, I ran in behind some man who was going about 45 mph and I thought that was fast enough so I stayed behind him. After we'd gone that way for several miles, the Missus suddenly pipes up with, 'Well, what's the matter? Got a better car than you have?' That made me mad and I STEPPED - ON - THE - GAS! For the next three miles the speedometer never registered below 60 mph and I observed it once reach 68---" Luther tells this perfectly, using his natural New England accent in immitating the Old Man. ...... We are planning a picnis for this weekend with Adeline, Housden, and maybe Dick and Ethel, out to a spot near Girard which is very attractive so Housden says. ...... I continue very busy at the office--have been there over ten months already. Noticed today that I have written in that time, about 500 letters, so you can see the ten months have been pretty busy, as each one of those letters represents some sort of a negotiation with someone.

Erie, Pa.,
Monday, September 26, 1927.

Last week was so busy that I scarcely had any opportunity to write in here. Thursday evening we went up to the Sterretts