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as I believe I've ever seen and a certain look that perhaps should be common but isn't in some intangible way. I enjoy looking at her, I hope, as I enjoy looking at any beautiful thing. I don't think that as long as I live, I shall cease being attracted by beautiful or talented or cultured women. I believe my father was this way also. It is wonderful to be able to appreciate such women and yet do it in the proper way. It is really the measure of a [[underlined]] man [[/underlined]] to be able to carry on properly in this respect.

Erie, Pa.,
Thursday, October 27, 1927.

Am writing my diary after midnight, which is till more encouraging. Willie fussed at me last night for putting coal on the fire instead of letting it go out, as the house was stifling. We made up later after I'd acted like a bonehead and affecting being terribly abused. I finally realized what an ungrateful fool I was for taking such an attitude, and tried to make up for it although I think I hurt Willie by my actions. I was ashamed of myself afterward, not having done right at all.

I was all shot to pieces at the office today as a result of having let go of myself last night. This morning I accomplished little and realized again how frightfully messed up life becomes when one departs from the proper attitude and the proper game. And today I also realized how little justice I am doing myself. At last we learn that the most precious thing in life is a game that is beyond reproach--the finest realization, that of being right in all way. Willie didn't feel well all day and in the afternoon had a nap disturbed by bad dreams and nervous awakenings. I almost believe that my agitation was the cause of this, transmitted to her in that unaccountable way.

Christian Steenstrup has been made Engineer of the Refrigeration Engineering Dept. What a rise he has had--up from a toolmaker with no education to speak of--I believe an immigrant from Denmark-surely a man to admire.

We had a very, very pleasant evening at the Holmes tonight. Preparing to go over there, I looked at myself in the glass after cleaning up and shaving, and said to myself, "Surely, old man, you are made for something very good; I see it in you. But somehow, you aren't playing the game properly yet. Please do yourself justice."

Am working on the Cleveland Union Terminals proposition now. How wonderfully my work is turning out--more so than any dreams I ever could have had! I thank the dear God for it all and pray for the ability, thoughtfulness, insight and strength to play a better game.

Erie, Pa.,
Saturday, October 29, 1927.

Had a terrible day at the plant yesterday, or so it seemed,