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There is no record of what we did in January or early February but evidently Willie went to Louisville along in there and returned in early March.  It appears that Mother spent some time with us after the holidays and went to Buena Vista in mid-February and I was alone for awhile as Willie had taken Bab with her.  I was very busy designing the control for the DL&W 3-power locomotives as a last chore before leaving Lou Webb for Sam Dodd in Transportation Engineering (which I'll refer to henceforth as "TED").  As my letters to Mother between February 20th and May 25th give the only account of this period, I'll include them, particularly as they're fairly comprehensive:

[[underlined]]To Mother (in Buena Vista), February 20, 1930[[/underlined]]: The income tax return has been taken care of.  The bank finally found that coupon that the teller lost but claimed I hadn't given to him.  It dropped into an open drawer and into a notebook--down between the pages, and was not discovered until the drawer was cleaned out a few days ago.  So that solves that mystery. ....... Willie will be home March 10th according to the latest information.  She writes that Bab is the talk of the town and is the "fattest, rosiest, healthiest little girl" she has ever seen.  Also everyone says Willie looks better than they have ever seen her look before, so I guess the trip has done them both a lot of good. ...... Monday night I had dinner at the Harringtons, Perkinson and Yoshiro, the Jap, being there also.  After dinner, we all went to the Henshaws, where Dick Lottridge, in town on business, and Adeline had had dinner, and we all played games and had much merriment.  I am going to Henshaws to dinner tomorrow night.  Bowling tonight.  Tuesday night, everyone went to the AIEE meeting to hear "the boss," H.L.Andrews, give an address on "Electricity in Rail Transportation."  It was good; he knows his business. ...... We have a new minister here, a Dr. Wilson, who has been quite a well-known lecturer, I understand, so maybe the Unitarian Church will pick up.  I'm going down to hear him Sunday.

[[underlined]]To Mother, March 12, 1930[[/underlined]]: The family is here and what a family!  Bab gained a pound and a half and looks much older.  Willie gained several pounds and looks and feels much better.  I met them at the train and Willie carried Bab to the foot of the stairs in the station and then set her down and she walked from there to the car holding Willie's hand.  She walked right through the waiting room full of people just as unconcerned as could be.  She really is the prettiest thing I've ever seen in life or on paper, all ideal magazine ad babies included.  She is fat but not too fat.  She has the loveliest complexion and her hair is golden and curls when she is the least bit warm.  And