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the aid of Dr. MacCallum's old prescription--drops for her nose.  It takes two men and a boy to hold her while putting the drops in.  She certainly is strong and looks healthy as can be. ...... I'm planning to take Willie to see Gloria (Swanson presumably) in "The Trespasser" when it comes to Wesleyville soon. ...... We had Mr. Dodd here for dinner Wednesday--his wife is away. ...... Our arrangement with Marjorie is working out well and Willie gets out much more afternoons which does her good. ...... Enclosed is the Boston Elevated dividend and check covering complete rebate of your 1928 New York State income tax.  The exemption has been raised this year and was made retroactive to 1928, resulting in a complete refund.  Owing to the increased exemption, you did not have to pay any tax to New York State this year for 1929 income.  (This is [[underlined]]ALL RIGHT[[/underlined]].  Don't worry about it.  I wouldn't have brought it up had it not been for the check, which ought to be cashed.) ...... Mr. Fritschner sent Bab's doll buggy up here by express and she screamed for joy when she saw it again--pushes it all over the place.

[[underlined]]To Mother, April 8, 1930[[/underlined]]: the last two days we have been visited by a terrific snowstorm, blizzard, wind, cold, ice, etc.--so nice for April.  Willie is at her book club tonight and I am looking after Babka--just got through changing her--the first time I've done that in a long time.  She is all over her cold at last, much to our relief.  Sunday she weighed 23 pounds which is just about normal for girls of her age.  The average weight for girls at two years is 25 pounds so she seems to be progressing favorably.  She certainly does eat enough. ...... Enclosed is a double page from the program for our bowling banquet to be held a week from Thursday.  I still seem to be able to draw a little although I get almost no practice at all. ...... Depinet has put the upstairs flat into a real estate dealer's hands at last and we have had visitors looking at it twice in the last two days.  One party drives a La Salle car and appear very desirable so we have hopes of getting some nice neighbors yet.  The people next door are very unpromising looking, as well as those back of us.  Baldwin has sold two of those little houses down the street back of us. ...... I heard today that Mr. Dodd is going to be away from the office for two or three months in order to have an operation of some sort performed--quite serious I judge.  He is leaving at the end of this week.  Don't know any details of his trouble or where he is going to have the work done.  Am very sorry. (It was prostate surgery.) ...... We stopped at the Henshaws Saturday night.  Little Marshall is certainly mighty attractive--almost a year old now and Betty still nurses him some.  I never heard of such a long time before weaning.  He seems to thrive anyway.  They say the little Somerville girl who weighed 3½ pounds when born now weighs about 21 pounds and isn't quite a year old yet. ...... Willie seems to be thriving on her new arrangement with Marjorie.  The housework doesn't seem to bother her.  I wipe the dishes every night and give Bab her supper while Willie is getting ours.  Things go very smoothly.