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a day. We will then spend a week around Denver, Colorado Springs and Santa Fe, visiting Rocky Mountain National Park, Indian country, etc., driving on a hundred miles or so a day. We would leave again for Louisville along about Wednesday of the following week, arriving there Saturday night and I would drive on to Erie and be back Tuesday a.m. for work, Willie bringing Bab home on the train. I wouldn't want you to try to drive to Denver as I think it would wear you out, but why shouldn't you meet us there and take the week's motor trip with us out there, which wont be strenuous at all, and then you can come back by train or with us part or all of the way if you feel you can stand it. I think Denver is about a day and a half from Chicago by train. We do hope you can do it for it would be a wonderful trip out there. Rocky Mountain Park is beautiful, they say. We would, of course, like to go to Yellowstone or Grand Canyon but that would require a good three weeks to do comfortably.....We shall be looking for you here soon now. I may have to go to Auburn next week while you are in Syracuse. I shall send next letter to the Onondaga. 

To Mother, April 18, 1930: Your box for Bab came yesterday and the dresses and sweater are too dear for words. Bab had on today the dress covered with "bah-wahs" etc. and was previous in it. She really is beautiful. We are having a Cleveland photographer who will be at the Lawrence next Wednesday, make a colored miniature of her on porcelain similar to the one Cousin Nellie has of Ann Hutchinson Hoyt isn't it? If it turns out well, you will undoubtedly want one too and we can arrange to have a duplicate made up. They are only $15 each and Willie says the samples she saw, were beautifully done. We have always wanted something showing Bab's beautiful coloring. She is growing so and seems to get more attractive all the time. I know you can hardly wait to see her.....We are living in some apprehension for a week or so as the little boy next door has come down with chicken pox and about ten days ago he was playing around not far away from Bab--didn't touch her but did get rather near her. Fortunately it isn't anything serious although we'd hate to have her sick for a week or ten days.....Mr. Landrum's car is just like ours except we have wire wheels. (Note: This is #4, the one we drove to Colorado in 1931.).....Our bowling banquet came off last night successfully and my contributions to the program were duly appreciated. All thought the view of Felix Konn a masterpiece. Am glad you liked them. ......Checks of AT&T, WU and MB&I enclosed.

To Mother, April 23, 1930: One week to May 1st and tonight we are entertaining a roaring blizzard! Such a place! There is still ice at Buffalo but not enough to stop navigation and big boats can be seen daily on the lake..... Bab came as near to saying a sentence today as she has so far. She said "rocka-bye-baby" one word at a time with coaching between words. She