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The new year started off with a three-day weekend on Friday, January 1st. I set forth inmy diary a program that I proposed to follow as follows:

a) At least 15 minutes daily of outside exercise
b) Maximum of one piece of candy per period of the day
c) Maximum of five cigarettes daily
d) Eat meat once a day maximum
e) Eat all vegetables in sight
f) Drink lots of water
g) Minimize drinking of intoxicants
h) Don't worry--play the game and have faith
i) Get seven to eight hours sleep per night
j) Keep system well cleansed inside and out 
k) Keep mind clean
l. Forget petty things; make life [[underlined]]all[[/underlined]] it ought to be.

a) Read something worthwhile every day
b) Read or study something scientific every day
c) Think seriously of life, beauty and good things each day--have one's "Candlelight." (Latter refers to Shoals)
d) Keep diary faithfully if only a line or so a day.

a) Spend [[underlined]]wisely[[/underlined]]
b) Retain all securities
c) Continue to pay off note
d) Buy only GE bonds
e) Don't worry
f) Clean up financial and will set-up.

a) Always do what conscience says is right
b) Be unselfish
c) Don't criticize others
d) Be fair and honest
e) Don't be diffident
f) Believe in myself and my ability
g) Be kind
h) Be thoughtful--don't say things don't mean
i) Be a good son, husband and father
j) Don't make fun of others
k) Be interested in everything--never be bored
l) Be a good sport in everything
m) DO what you say you will DO
n) Think what you can do to make others happy