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Chicago, Illinois
4AM weekdays 5AM Sat
Stay at Lawson YMCA
30 W. Chicago Ave

B Haig (across from Gurney)|[[strikethrough]] R 1/59 [[/strikethrough]]
800 Dearborn | R | R | L | '57
| | 9/59 | 6/59 | 8/61

B Joe Gallico Heet R | R | [[strikethrough]] R 1/59 [[/strikethrough]]
9/59 | 6/59 | L/57
~ 5800 W. Diversey R 8/61

B Kitty Sheehan's R | R | L
on Rush St, West Chicago 9/59 | 6/59 | [[strikethrough]] R [[/strikethrough]] | 151
and Superior [[strikethrough]]1/59[[/strikethrough]] R 8/61


B Low's Gages [[and here there is a handwritten note]] Sign: Fun Lounge visible[[guess]][[?]] R8/61 Go out Fullteron ~ 10 mi. to Burnheim[[guess]][[/and here there is a handwritten note]]
West on Mannheim Road R9/59 R6/59 [[strikethrough]] R1/59 [[/strikethrough]] L'57
[[and here there is a handwritten note]] Wild | 24hrs/day Busy[[guess]] all night restaurant [[/and here there is a handwritten note]]

[[strikethrough]] Old Heidelberg R1/59 L'57 [[/strikethrough]]

B Pauls R8/61 R9/59 [[strikethrough]] R1/59[[/strikethrough]] L'57 R6/59
2546 N Clark

B Shoreline 7 R8/61 R5/60 R1/59 R6/59
7 Division St
"young, rough, dark, malodorus, [[?]] w/ our pirate ship"

[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
uncertain how to proceed past line midway down page.