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Minneapolis, Minnesota

1AM, 5
Mid on Sat & Sun    Off?  9/60

B Dugout        |   b     R     R
206 S 3rd St    |'58'57  1958  6/59

B The Viking Room      |    R1958  R6/59
Street[[guess]] In Hotel [[strikethrough]] Raddison [[/strikethrough]] 45 S 7th St
[[strikethrough]] Bloomington [[guess]][[/strikethrough]]

B: Radisson    |    R 1958

T Andrews B.   |    R 1958

[[strikethrough]] B Trocodero L '57 L '58 [[/strikethrough]]

T In Lumber Exchange Bldg 
5th & Hennepin
Downstairs, wood   R 7/58