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Memphis, Tennessee

Bars close at about 12:00 or 12:30
No mixed drinks over bar

B Oasis R
Across St. from Greyhound Terminal 12/57 
Union Ave
Bit rough


B Creel Room L R
Hotel Peabody '58 12/57
Union Ave
Mixed; transients


* B Rendevouz R R
On alley off Union Ave 4/60 12/57
bet. Main & 2nd St
Mixed a/s


R Master Toddle House R
3 [[underlined]] rd [[/underlined]] & Madison 12/57
After Bars close
+ Toddle Houses in gen'l along Union

R Leiu's [??]] Place R
Union across from Hotel 12/57


Transcription Notes:
The Hotel Peabody's bar was "The Creel", guessing that is the "Creel Room" referred to here. The Rendezvous is a famous Memphis restaurant spelled with an "s" off Union so I assume this is what he is referring to by Rendevouz.