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[[underlined]] San Marcial [[/underlined]]

[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Yucca radiosa [[/underlined]] ? (low) Com. over mesa & in washes.
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] " [[ditto for Yucca]] baccata [[/underlined]], (large) common on mesa back 10 miles mostly beyond Creosote bush.
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Opuntia englemani [[/underlined]] ?, a few small plants seen that seem to be this form.
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Opuntia longihimanthus
[[/underlined]] (long brown spines) com on mesa 
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] " [[ditto for: Opuntia]]
arborescens [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] arb [[/strikethrough]] Common on mesa, mainly on cold slopes or farther back.
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] " [[ditto for: Opuntia]] clavatum [[/underlined]], abundant on hot mesas.
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] " [[ditto for: Opuntia]] [[blank]] [[/underlined]] (white spined) com. on upper Sonor mesas
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] " [[ditto for: Opuntia]] [[blank]] (fine spines)
[[/underlined]] " " " " [[dittos for: com. on upper Sonor mesas]]
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Quercus grisea [[/underlined]], A few on mesa 19 miles west.

[[underlined]] Mammals [[/underlined]]

[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Citellis spilosama [[/underlined]], many heard
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Neotoma micropus [[/underlined]], houses numerous
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Perodipus [[/underlined]] burrows " [[ditto for: numerous]]
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Depodomys spectabits [[/underlined]], Mounds numerous on mesa, first seen about 6 mi. back, not many with Creosote bush.
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Lepus texianus [[/underlined]] common
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] " [[ditto for: Lepus]]
 minor [[/underlined]] " [[ditto for: common]]
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Thomomys [[blank]] [[/underlined]] big hills com. in valley.
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] " [[ditto for: Thomomys]]
[[blank]] [[/underlined]] little hills scattered on mesa.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] San Marcial [[/underlined]].

On the lower mesas ^ [[insertion]] [[red checkmark]] Covillea tridentata [[/insertion]] Creosote, [[red checkmark]] Lycium [[red checkmark]] Baccharis glutinosa, [[red checkmark]] green and blue ^ [[insertion]] nevadensis [[/insertion]] [[red checkmark]] Ephedra, a [[red checkmark]] Yucca between radiosa & glauca, and [[red checkmark]] Guterrizia are the abundant shrubs. There are several species of cactus. The [[red checkmark]] Creosote keeps on hot slopes and avoids the local cold slopes, down to the valley. It also thins out on the mesa 6 to 10 miles back and follows only tongues of south slopes, but follows some of these back 17 miles

The Rogers Ranch in a big wash 17 miles NW. of San Marcial is the only inhabited place seen out of the river valley, but back in the foothills are lots of ranches & towns. There is a little grass over the mesa & a few horses.

Farming along the Rio Grande valley is of the Mexican type, little weedy patches & scrubby unkept apple and peach trees. The only fruit I could find was little hard sour apples

Transcription Notes:
"Depodomys spectabits" transcribed as written, but is probably Dipodomys spectabilis - @meg_shuler