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[[underlined]] Deming to Watkin's Ranch (30 mi S.W.) [[/underlined]]

[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Prosopis glandulosa [[/underlined]] - common & big on all sandy soil
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Covillea tridentata [[/underlined]], abundant & big on high gravelly mesas along south slope of Red Mt. & last 10 miles of trip.
[[red checkmark]] Zizyphus [[blank]], Abundant & big on all sandy soil. most of the way.      
[[red checkmark]] Koeberlinia spinosa, abundant & big about 10 miles across basin south of Gage.
[[red checkmark]] Flourensia cernua, abundant on gravelly soil with Covillea & in spots between.
[[red checkmark]] Lycium andersoni?, abundant by [[spills?]] all day.
[[red checkmark]] " [[ditto for: Lycium]] pallidum?, a few small bushes seen.
[[red checkmark]] Yucca radiosa, tall trees common all day.
[[red checkmark]] " [[ditto for: Yucca]] macrocarpa? a low form 3 or 4 feet high common last 7 miles.
[[red checkmark]] Ephedra trifurcata, Abundant first 20 miles, some all along.
[[red checkmark]] Atriplex canesens, common on alkali land.
[[red checkmark]] Opuntia lepticaulis, a little seen in several places.
[[red checkmark]] " [[ditto for: Opuntia]] (brown spined)  " " " " [[dittos for: a little seen in several places.]]
[[red checkmark]] Guterrizia [[blank]], Common on flats where nothing else grows and on some of the mesas.
[[red checkmark]] Artemisia filifolia, common on some of the sand-
[[red checkmark]] Prosopis glandulosa, abundant on sandy soil, in washes, & on slopes.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Deming to Watkins Ranch

Aug. 4+ [[/underlined]] Left Deming at 10 AM & made about 30 miles. S.W. to a cattle ranch belonging to Mr. Watkins [[strikethrough]] (The Clondike Ranch) [[/strikethrough]]
Aneroid set at 4330 at Deming read 4400 at the wind mills south of Gage and 4600 at the ranch at camp. The country seems perfectly [[strikethrough]] lef [[/strikethrough]] flat except a slight rise in the last 10 miles. There are many flats, almost playas, but mostly covered with "gayetta" grass or guterrizia. There are also wide strips of sandy soil, blown into dunes around the mesquite and Zizyphus bushes where little else grows. Then on the foot slopes of the buttes and ranges there is gravelly mesa covered with a good growth of Creosote and Flourensia cernua, and Lyssium andersoni? For 8 or 10 miles across the barren wash where the windmills are (south of Gage) there is abundance of Koeberlinia, big bushes and commonest shrub. The whole distance is pure Lower Sonoran as shown by the abundance
of big mesquite where it grows, the

Transcription Notes:
check latin plant names reviewed to add markup and check scientific names -@meg_shuler