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[[underlined]] Deming to Walkins Ranch, 30 M. S.W. [[/underlined]]

[[strikethrough]] abu [[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] Birds [[/underlined]]

Hirundo [[insertion]] 613 [[/insertion]], numerous in Deming, a few still hanging around nests under hotel piazzas [[insertion]] P.D. [[/insertion]] Passer domesticus, Abundant in Deming

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[[start page]]

abundance of Creosote bush on the highest land and the predominance of Lower Sonoran & absence of Upper Sonoran species.

[[underlined]] Mammals. [[/underlined]]

[[red checkmark]] Antilocapra [[blank]], my driver says he saw 3 about 7 miles west of Deming a month ago.
[[red checkmark]] Citelles spilosoma, Common, often heard & 1 shot.
[[red checkmark]] Neotoma [[blank]] houses numerous
[[red checkmark]] Dipodomys spectabilis, mounds common [[strikethrough]] in places [[/strikethrough]], on highest slopes, especially on the side of Red Mtn. & near the Watkins ranch. not common across bottom of plain.
[[red checkmark]] Lepus arizonae, common.
[[red checkmark]] " [[ditto for: Lepus]] texianus " [[ditto for: common]]
[[red checkmark]] " [[ditto for: Lepus]] [[blank]] (white sided?) 2 shot & saved & half a dozen more seen, about half as many as of the gray.
[[red checkmark]] Cynomys ludovicianus, a few near Watkins R.
[[red checkmark]] Thomomys [[blank]], hills common in places all along.
[[red checkmark]] Canis, Coyote tracks & howls common.
[[red checkmark]] Taxidea, numerous old burrows.

Transcription Notes:
reviewed and edited markup to be consistent with rest of project -@meg_shuler