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[[underlined]] Hachita to Lordsburg [[/underlined]] -

Aug. 13. Packed specimens all of forenoon. Sent the team back to Deming & took train around to Lordsburg, but have to lay over night and get a morning train to Deming. 
The valley is Lower Sonoran all the way from Hachita to Deming, with abundance [[insertion]] [[red checkmark]] P. glandulosa [[/insertion]] of Mesquite, [[insertion]] [[red checkmark]] C. tridentata [[/insertion]] Creosote, [[red checkmark]] Flourensia cernua,  [[red checkmark]] Ephedra, [[red checkmark]] Zizyphus, & [[red checkmark]] Yucca radiosa. There are extensive grassy flats or flats bare of even grass, but evidently these as well as the brushy parts of the valley are Lower Sonoran. Grass is short & poor except on some of the flats. The rains seem to have missed this section tho just north of Lordsburg the grass is said to be green and abundant & rains have been frequent. 
A heavy shower can be seen to the south, about the Animas Range, and others in more distant sections. The rains are mainly narrow [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] but frequent and often violent. The showers gather around the peaks and then cross valleys from one range to another. 

Transcription Notes:
reviewed -@meg_shuler