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[[underlinedd]] San Francisco Mts. 

Transition Zone [[/underlined]] begins on the uplands at about 7000 feet on NE. slopes, but extends down along stream bottoms mixed with Upper Sonoran. [[checkmark]] Pinus ponderosa & [[checkmark]] Populus angustifolia run down to Reserve and down the Frisco Canyon far below. On SW. slopes Pinus ponderosa begins at about 8000 feet (except on very steep slopes) and extends to the highest peaks, a little above 9000 feet. On the NE. slopes it is replaced by [[strikethrough]] Abies [[/strikethrough]] Canadian zone species above 8600 except where the slopes are very steep. [[checkmark]] Robinia neomexicana & [[checkmark]] Quercus gambeli have the same range as ponderosa while [[checkmark]] Pseudotsuga & [[checkmark]] Pinus strobiformis overlap the upper part of Transition. The little [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Ceanothus [[blank]] [[/underlined]] & [[checkmark]] Berberis ripens are abundant in Transition. 
[[underlined]] Canadian zone [[/underlined]] covers the steep NE. slope of the Mts. from about 8500 to the tops, running lower in the steep gulches & disappearing from slopes that are gradual. It is marked by [[checkmark]] Abies concolor, [[checkmark]] Populus tremuloides and a mixture of [[checkmark]] Pinus strobiformis & [[checkmark]] Pseudotsuga.  

Transcription Notes:
reviewed -@meg_shuler