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A high, steep lava ridge runs all along the south side of the valley & continues west into the White Mts. Its steep north slope is pure Canadian Zone to the base, covered with dense forest of spruces, firs & aspens.

At the west end of Bush Valley we turn north & follow up a small creek between the Escudilla & White Mts to the pass at 9100 feet, then down a long gulch to the Nutriosa Creek. Both Canadian on cold slopes & gulch bottoms and Transition on hot slopes go through this pass. Both Canadian & Transition species have free access through the pass.

Down the long gulch from the Summit to Nutrioso Creek it is Transition zone yellow pine & Gambels oak forest on the warm slope and Canadian spruce & aspen on the north slope.

On Nutriosa Cr. the valley is Transition, [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] but a tongue of Upper Sonoran runs up the steep south slope of the valley wall about 2 miles above the town of Nutrioso. [[strikethrough]] , cov [[/strikethrough]] This is marked by nut pines, Juniperus pachyploea & monosperma.