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The whole valley bottoms are in fields of grain or hay. Little else is raised except vegetables. There are a lot of peach, apple, plum & cherry trees in town, but the people say they get fruit once in about 7 years. Late frosts kill the young fruit. Last spring a hard frost about June 3 killed all the fruit They say the spring is early & warm even in February, & trees start too soon. If they could be kept back, as one woman said they did one year by heaping snow around each tree, a good crop could be raised.

Sheep are the principal stock & industry of the country & they are wintered all around here in the valley. Snow rarely gets deep or lays very long & the sheep are run on the slopes & rims. I never before saw such gramma grass, knee high and over much of the country a ton to the acre could be mowed.  The sheep have not come down into the valley yet, except west of the river