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cold slopes. A few dwarfed Populus angustifolia grow at a springy place in canyon and at an old ranch above the canyon.  Junipers & nut pines cover the mesa tops both sides. Forestiera and a big Berberis are the main shrubs in the canyon, Bigelovia canescens grows very large & a dark twisted leaved one & the leafless one are abundant, also Guterrizia, Helianthus, "Helianthella", Cleome & Croton go all up thro the canyon. 

There are lots of Neotomas & Perodipus signs but not a Thomomys hill was seen till we camped at night where the hills of one were found & the gopher caught.  

Got in camp in time to set out a line of traps. Found a dead porcupine near camp & saved the skull, also a badger.

Transcription Notes:
reviewed -@meg_shuler