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At our camp 12 miles south of Gallup we caught Neotoma [[blank]], Peromyscus truei [[strikethrough]] & texensis [[/strikethrough]] Sonoriinsus Perodipus montanus?, & Perognathus. We saw, Eutamias dorsalis, Citellus grammurus, Cynomys gunnisoni, Lepus arizonae & texensis, Erethizon gnawings and heard coyotes. 

The small, alkaline stream where we camped is barely drinkable but this seems to be a great winter 

[[underlined]] Sept. 24-27 [[overwritten]] 6 [[/overwritten]] [[/underlined]] - Remained at our camp near Gallup writing reports, shipping specimens, making out accounts and collecting. 

Weather windy and squally with showers until the 25, Froze hard i.e. half an inch thick the mornings of the 26 & 27, but clear and pleasant days. 

[[underlined]] Sept. 28 [[/underlined]] - Got supplies and started for the Chusca Mts. Camped about 2 miles beyond Rock Springs on the road to Ft. Defiance. Came about 14 miles. Camped near some little lakes, or rain ponds of fairly good water. No change in zones or species from the valley at Gallup. All Upper Sonoran. 

Transcription Notes:
reviewed - @meg_shuler one minor typo - nwmath