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[[underlinee]] To Ft. Defiance, Arizona 

Sept. 29. [[/underlined]] Caught 3 fine big Dipodomys spectabilis and an Onychomys. A Perodipus went off with a trap & I lost him. Packed up & started at 8:30 and reached Ft. Defiance, Arizona at 3 P.M. & camped at the agency. Came about 18 miles. 

The country is very dry and barren, no grass most of the way, all sheeped off and the bushes eaten off by goats. Had to get hay at the agency store.
It is all Upper Sonoran zone, with nut pines & Juniperus monosperma on the ridges and Atriplex canescens & Sarcobatus vermiculatus in the valley. Helianthus annuus and Cleome grow where not eaten off by sheep. [[strikethrough]] Saw 4 o [[/strikethrough]]
Transition zone shows in yellow pines along the top & cold slope of the big mesa west of the Arizona line and the big mesa east of Ft. Defiance. A lot of scrubby yellow pines grow on a bare rocky south slope of a ridge [[overwritten]] 6 [[/overwritten]] 8 miles SE. of The Agency, but grow there from some abnormal reason.

Saw 4 coyotes & heard lots more. Saw a few Cynomys gunnisoni & one rock squirrel. 

Transcription Notes:
reviewed -@meg_shuler