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Everyone is agog about Howard Hughes great flight around the world. Leaving New York night before last, he's streaking across Siberia now with four companions in a 12 ton, 2400 HP twin motored Lockheed. Aims to be back in New York Thursday PM or four days around the globe!
Miss Nelson decided to go to work in Brandy's office today, so I guess she'll stick after all. The reports circulating about the office confirms my suspicions as to the reason for her transfer.
This evening, the Colonel and I had a quart and a half of Schmidts ale at Cunningham & then drove to Powell Ave. crossing to see the new streamlined "Century" go by โ€“ a smooth gray and blue streak hurtling by at 85 MPH in the full moonlight. And yet it takes her as long to make the run from Chicago to New York as it took Howard Hughes to fly from New York to Paris.

Erie, July 13, '38.
Had a good poker game here tonight โ€“ Colonel Perk, Kearns, Whitey Wilson, Rudy Knape and I. Always have a jovial session at these parties particularly when the Colonel's on deck. Rudy swept the decks for $3.42; the Colonel lost $1.85 and I cleared 25ยข and damned grateful for that.
Maurice said he had a bunch of oil-electric studies lined up for me in Boston and Philadelphia soon which means more time away from home this fall and winter but it means plenty of activity anyhow โ€“ cheers me considerably. I am hoping Walter Hedley's ideas of my going to Chicago don't materialize.
Hughes is in Alaska ready to hop off for New York and everybody thinking of him most of the time.

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