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this afternoon and spent two hours there, acquiring another good coat of burn. This evening we took Barbara and Charlie Reed to the movies - "Yellow Jack" and "The Rage of Paris." - and began working on them to go to Shanty Shane next year. Barbara is already won over but old Charlie is making no commitments yet. Willie's back had been bothering her more and more since we got home. Dr. McCallum says its lumbago and simply to take it easy & take plenty of aspirin but she doesn't improve much.

Erie, Pa.
Aug. 21, '38.
Willie has been laid up all day but is gradually improving. I cut the grass & trimmed the borders of the beds, wrote checks, took kids to Lommers to dinner and otherwise stuck close to home all day. Spent considerable time writing up the Shanty Shane people for this journal and find myself getting more fluent. It simply takes practice - old man Uzzell is right about that.

Erie, Pa.
Aug. 22, 1938.
Had a wire from Jim Smith this morning suggesting I be in New York tomorrow for checking the ventilation changes which have been made on #0364 so arranged for Bob Walsh to go with me as he should pick up this ventilation job again, the only reason I did it being that he was laid up and on leave of absence. Nothing of great interest happened today. I had a wild rush this evening to get ready to go as Willie went up to Rosalind's early and I got the kids to bed, cut the front lawn, repaired the grandfather's clock, wrote Mother, packed, took bath, dried the dishes, etc. etc. But we got #6

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