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we were ready to enter the grill. After breakfast we got my room and he has a super morning's morning. It's so late then, I call Jim at the office and tell him we'll go direct to Van Nest. So off we go and arrive at the shop about 11 AM. He takes little interest in the preparations, spends most of the time in the office reading the paper, makes no effort to check up on anything that has happened that he should be interested in. He invites Ed Kelly to lunch with him and then goes off and leaves him. As things begin to appear that the engine wont leave for New Haven until about 8 PM, he "sees no use of staying around and riding it up." He wants to go back to New York and ride up in an air-conditioned car. So finally Bob, Jim and I start for town. I reluctantly. At the subway station, Tex Dowden catches us and says Felix wants Jim to come back and look at a gouged main motor commutator. So Jim beats it back to the shop, telling Bob & me to go on downtown. After Jim leaves, I tell Bob to go ahead ("you don't see any reason why I should go back, do you Forie?") and I follow Jim back in a taxi, all this while lugging my full baggage, which I carted up to Van Nest this morning. We spend about two hours at the shop scraping the commutator to cut out shorts, and finally Jim and I get away in time to catch some dinner at Grand Central and catch the "State of Maine" at 8:01 PM standard. Before we left Van Nest, Bob called from town and said he was spending the night in New York, would come up in the morning. We rode #0366 up on the "State of Maine," having a good snappy trip in the half moonlight with 13 cars. To bed at the Taft at midnight.

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