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as yesterday near Warren, but it was lovely nevertheless.  However, cloudiness prevented getting any movies again.

Erie, Pa.
Monday, Oct. 10, '38.
Maurice informed me today I am to promote the small diesels in the Southeastern District and the New England District, and am to make a two or three weeks trip to Kroner's territory about November 1st.  So that's that.  Jake's trip is merely for one special job he's been working on.  All of which goes to show why one shouldn't get upset about things as I did Friday.

Went over to Maurice's this evening and thrashed through the New Haven report with him, having had no luck getting it done at the office.  As I expected, he thought I was too conservative, and after some long winded arguments, I had to let the bars down some but not enough to hurt anything, I feel sure.  But I do get a kick out of Maurice's reasoning.  He objected to my statement that under no circumstances should attempt be made to start a 1600 ton train in the East River Tunnel where there is a 1.5% grade.  Maurice assumed 25% adhesion, figured he could get 3/100 of a mile per hour per second acceleration and could take it out, and no amount of argument could move him.  I'll bet there's not one crew in ten of the sum of mine crews on that service that could do it without burning the engine up, and most of them wouldn't even get the train started.  One slip and you'd lose all the acceleration it had taken a minute or more to make at terrific load on the engine.  So why stick your neck out for the one time in a thousand they ever getted stopped in there?  We changed it to "use extreme caution" and Maurice was satisfied.  He objected also to 2500 tons limit in freight, so we changed it to 3000