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Old Tom McDermott was drinking straight whiskey as of old in Scranton and I had a tough time getting away from him - wanted to take me to a night club, get some taxi dancers, etc. etc.  I had had plenty of party by midnight but I couldn't get to bed before about 3:00AM.  Had an hour's session with Goggin & Donovan in their room talking business about 2AM.  To me those parties are always very rosy when you're looking forward at them, disappointing and sometimes revolting when they are actually in progress.

New York, N.Y.
Friday, Dec. 9, 1938.
Spent the morning at the office talking B&M with Walter Hedley.  Walter sees a lot of this report work for Alco ahead and apparently is doing all he can to line me up for it.  I am glad in a way to be that well thought of but I'm not anticipating these long stays away from home.  This has been the most miserable trip I've taken in years.  I've been homesick and on account of this d-- intestinal disturbance, almost every waking hour has been clouded by a vague worry about myself.  I'm terribly anxious to get home and get straightened out.  I was much tempted to light out for Erie tonight, but decided finally to stick it out.

Went to Mr. Keye's funeral this afternoon.  It was attended by many of the dignitaries from Mr. Swope down. I sat with Perry Egbert. Tom's boss & I rode downtown on the subway with