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Erie, Penna.,
Friday, Dec. 16, 1938.
The train was 1 1/2 hours late for some reason.  I got out to the house about 11AM and Mrs. Brooks was holding the fort alone. Willie and Mother arrived shortly after, having missed me at the station.  It was good to see them and the children when they came home at noon.  Willie drove me out to the office after lunch and we stopped at Doc McCallum's on the way.  He gave me a thorough going over and said I was perfect – my trouble must be a strain or a cold in my side.  My heart, lungs and blood pressure were 100% and he could find nothing.  So I felt infinitely better when he got through.  The poor old boy himself looked awful, however – thin and old – had had his teeth taken out within a day or so.  I had just time at the office to say hello, write my expense account, read my mail, get some money and beat it.  Had a good normal evening at home.  I did my best to tell them all about my trip and keep things pleasant but I had a hard time to keep Mother from leading the conversation off onto controversial subjects.  However, I made out pretty well.  Nevertheless, I felt that under the surface pressure of hers to lead me into unpleasantness, and I knew that as ever, things would be hard to keep smooth when the first novelty of return had worn away.  Too bad!