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Erie, Pa.,
Thursday, Oct. 19, 1939.
Made some real progress in the Southern Pacific today getting all the way to  San Luis Obispo and Santa Margarita. Spent nearly the whole day on it and really got somewhere.

This evening I went to the Griswold Club to hear a young F. B. I. agent from Pittsburgh give a talk on the work of the F. B. I. If all the F.B.I. boys are as keen wholesome, intelligent and smooth as this one, they must be a very high grade bunch. This chap, almost my age, maybe younger, seemed to "have everything" and was a charming speaker to boot. I had always understood the standards of the FBI are very high and it certainly appeared so tonight.

Erie, Pa.
Friday, Oct. 20, 1939.
Got all the way to Santa Barbara today and it looks as though my guess of 6000 HP and the increased speed restrictions are just about going to do this job the way they want it – that is, 8 hours. Maurice came in today and said he thought 3600 HP would do it but I think he's cockeyed. He said the curves he calculated took about four hours, where mine are taking more like 4 days, so I'm not surprised his quick and dirty passes weren't 100% accurate.

Met Whitey in the washroom and he inquired how I was coming on my "investigation." I thought he meant with Henry but I wasn't sure so I said, "What do you mean, the Southern Pacific." He said, "You have only one investigation and it has nothing to do with the Southern Pacific." I told him I was waiting for Henry to name a day for our discussion. So Whitey has this on his mind. I