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[[underlined]] To San Rafael. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Oct. 26, [[/underlined]] A very cold night, down to 16 [[degrees symbol]] above zero a half hour after sunrise, but must have been colder as the ice almost held the horses and held part of the time. Warmed up and became pleasant before noon.

Followed down the railroad to Grants and 4 miles south to San Rafael & stopped at the post office with Dr. & Mrs. Grover. Got supplies for Hotchkiss' return trip and prepared to break camp.

[[underlined]] Oct. 26, [[/underlined]] Started Hotchkiss south with his horses & outfit and I staid at San Rafael to catch up my notes and reports and do a little collecting. Am glad to get under cover for the nights are very cold and camping is disagreeable.

Went out and set a few Microtus traps and shot 7 ducks of 3 species at one shot in a pond near the lava field.-  mallards [[insertion]] 132 [[/insertion]], gadwells [[insertion]] 135 [[/insertion]] & a greenwing [[insertion]] 139 [[/insertion]] teal. Made up a lot of skins.