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probably shrews abound. The snow was full of tracks of rabbits & squirrels & chipmunks & porcupines & coyotes & Lynx but I did not bring my gun.
A weeks trapping should be done in here to finish up this important link in the chain connecting the white & Mogollon Mts. with the Rockies.

The timber is being cut off clean, or all but the young timber cut and that all killed when the tops burn. A good stand of young timber is thus destroyed and the land made worthless. Even the aspens and spruces are cut for timber and a few oaks where large enough. Gambels oak forms dense groves or thicks of brush on some of the slopes. Picea pungens is abundant in the gulches with aspens and Pseudotsuga.
Porcupines are numerous and kill or injure considerable timber
Many young pines are girdled & killed & the tops of some old trees are killed. Cliffs & caves afford numerous retreats for the porcupines where they could be poisoned easily with apples or salt pork or salted turnips.

Transcription Notes:
reviewed -@meg_shuler The Mogollon Mts. are a range in SW New Mexico. Pseudotsuga is a genus of coniferous tree.