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Resolutions adopted(continued):
  Nat.Gal.Art Comn  490,499,555,577,583,644,724,776,832,857,879.
  " " "[[ditto for Nat.Gal.Art]] (Building for)655.
  National Museum:
    Additions proposed  824,847.
    Sunday opening      660.
    Engineering & Industry(Proposed)  633,769.
  Printing & Binding S.I.pubs.  878.
  Pugsley Bequest (Proposed)    870.
  Research Corporation  733.
  Roebling,John A.      690,706.
  Roebling,W.A.         690.
  Smithsonian Institution:
    Annual interest     652.
    Election of Secretary   739.
    Financial needs         756.
    Funds to be Secy. 491.
    Future policy       693,701,710,768.
    Scientific Series   628,688,791,868.
  Taft resignation      838,844.
  Walcott,C.D. & M.V.   720,729.
  Wright,Orville        760.
  Wetmore,A.)Proposed assistant to)  784.
  Zoo Park              630,659,706.
Retirement of S.I.employees 784,790,827,839,845,865.
Rhoades,Katherine       487,488.
Roberts,F.H.H.          708,822,876,887.
Rockefeller Foundation  484,789.
Roebling,John A.        474,547,685,690,706,708,709,789,840,858,883.
Roebling,W.A.           685,690.
Rogers,Adml.W.L.        727,737.
Rollins,William         823,825.
Roosevelt,Franklin D.   639.
Roosevelt Portraits     572.
Rose,Dr.Wickliffe       743.
Roth,Walter E.          646
Rudolph,Cuno H.         657,658.
Russell,H.N.            882.
Regents of the Smithsonian Institution:
  Appmnt,of    472,494,503,547,564,579,612,632,662,682,697,732,762,788,
  Death of     494,546,547,564,632,648,662,718,762,880.
  Resignation of   838.
  Cong.Regents(Conferences with)     646.
  Increase in number of    555,575,584.
  Vacancies in Board   868,874.
  Bruce,William C. (Proposed)  874.
  Names of
    Bell, A.G.    471,476,493,502,538,546,584,619.
    Choate,C.F.Jr. 471,472,494,502,523,545,563,579,612,621,631,647,661,
    Coolidge,Calvin   493,494,495,501,502,545,563,578.
    Curtis,Charles    800,820,837,842,851,867,873.