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[[preprinted left margin]]
[[/preprinted left margin]]

On these grounds, I feel inclined to advise the carrying out, if possible, of the suggestions of the Executors. I should be glad if you would refer this matter, with my letter, to Mr. Choate. 

Very truly yours, 

(Signed) GEO. GRAY. 

November 12, 1921.

Dear Mr. Choate:

I am sending you herewith copies of correspondence between the Executors of the Freer Estate and the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, and a copy of my letter to Judge Gray and his reply, in which he suggests that I refer the matter to you.

As a business proposition I think it is the proper thing to make the arrangements, provided the Regents have the legal right to do it.

It is desirable to get the matter out of the way, if possible, at the meeting of the Board of Regents on December 8th, as the 8 per cent penalty on the State tax continues, also the income tax which the Executors have to pay.

I hope this year that it will be possible for you to attend the meeting of the Board. 

Very truly yours,


Mr. Charles F. Choate, Jr.,
Regent of the Smithsonian Institution,
30 State Street, Boston, Massachusetts.

[[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]

Transcription Notes:
Spaced out the words here and with. Put the here and with together as that was an actual spelling back then? Later transcriber: regardless, it was typed as one word so that's how it should be transcribed (but I believe that "herewith" is indeed one word).