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It appears to me that the putting into effect of Mr. Madden's suggestion would be a reflection upon the Board of Regents, and also be detrimental to the interests of the Institution in the future.

I have spoken with Senator Lodge, and also with Mr. Greene and Mr. Padgett, Regents from the House of Representatives.

Very truly yours,

C. D. Walcott

The Honorable George Gray,
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution,
Wilmington, Delaware.

George Gray
4042 Du Pont Building
Wilmington, Delaware

November 9, 1921.

Hon. C. D. Walcott,
Secy. Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, D. C.

Dear Dr. Walcott:

I have received your communication of November 4th, in regard to the letter from Mr. Madden, Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations, and your reply thereto, copies of which you have enclosed. I have read them both carefully, and think that you are entirely right in the view you take of Mr. Madden's suggestion of placing the appropriation of $60,000 (being the annual interest on the $1,000,000 Smithsonian Fund) on the general list of the other appropriations made for the Smithsonian Institution in the annual Bill. Your letter is cogent and convincing.

Very truly yours,

(Signed) Geo. Gray.

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