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This report was read by the Secretary, as follows:

December 14, 1922.

To the Board of Regents,
Smithsonian Institution.


Your Permanent Committee submits the following report on matters coming under its supervision during the past year:

[[underlined]] Hodgkins Fund [[/underlined]] - As stated in previous reports, $5,000.00 is allocated annually from the Hodgkins specific fund for the maintenance of an astrophysical station on the Montezuma Mountain, in Chile, where studies in solar radiation are being carried on continuously. The work is under the direction of Dr. Charles G. Abbot, Assistant Secretary of the Institution and Director of the Astrophysical Observatory.

[[underlined]] Roebling Contribution [[/underlined]] - Mr. John A. Roebling, of New Jersey, has contributed further funds to advance the work of solar research stations in Chile and Arizona and the publication of results there attained. The contributions of Mr. Roebling to date for this work aggregate more than $40,000.

[[underlined]] Avery Bequest [[/underlined]] - All the real estate covered by the Avery Bequest has been sold. The Avery Fund now amounts to $41,283.00, of which $4,000.00 is in the form of a three-year note at 6 per cent interest.

[[underlined]] Poore Bequest [[/underlined]] - $171.20 was received during the past year from the sale of lots in the City of Lowell. There still remain a number of lots which will be disposed of as opportunity offers. A request has been made that the taxes on this property be abated, but it has not yet been acted upon. The bequest now amounts to $36,025.00.

[[underlined]] Freer Bequest [[/underlined]] - The Institution holds, recorded in its name, 20,465 shares of Parke, Davis ^[[&]] Company, par value $25.00, with a present market
[[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]