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Senator Lodge submitted the following report:-

February 8, 1923.

To the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution.


At your annual meeting held December 14, 1922, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED; That a committee, to consist of Senator Lodge, Representatives Greene, Johnson and Moore, Mr. Henderson, and the Secretary, be appointed to consider the matter of approaching the American public in connection with the increase of funds and collections; said committee to report at the meeting of the Board of Regents fixed for February 8, 1923.

The Committee thus appointed, with the exception of Mr. Henderson, whose regrettable death occurred January 4, 1923, met on January 15, and considered - 

(1)  The proof of a two-page folder outlining the needs of the Institution that might be sent out to its numerous correspondents and friends throughout the United States. This folder is submitted by the Committee, with favorable recommendation, for the consideration of the Board.

(2) The question of the publication of a small pamphlet or brochure setting forth more in detail than in the folder -

(a) The origin and purposes of the Institution;

(b) The present crisis in connection with its limited income for increasing and diffusing knowledge, including research and publication;

(c) A brief resume of the work of the Institution;

(d) Its publications, exploratory and research activities;

(e) A statement of the branches of the Institution supported by Government appropriations, and of the Freer Gallery of Art, supported by the Freer endowment;

(f) Attention is called to the financial situation of the Institution and the necessity for an increased endowment and income.

(g) Also to the facilities for the conduct of research under the direction of the Institution;

(h) The closing paragraphs is a brief statement of methods of assisting the Institution.

The page proof of the proposed pamphlet is here submitted, with favorable recommendation, for the consideration of the Board.
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