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This means that this Report for 1922 (which is now in page proof) cannot be completed until after July 1, 1924, whereas if money were available the book could be sent to press at once. Work could then be started at once at the Printing Office on the Report for 1923, now practically ready for the printer, and thereafter the volumes could be issued to the public less than one year after the end of the period which they are intended to cover, which is a reasonable time for putting such a volume through the press.

An additional $10,000 was therefore requested in a supplemental estimate made to the Bureau of the Budget for inclusion in the Deficiency Bill for this year. This estimate, however, was disapproved by that Bureau. Unless this additional sum is made available, the charges against the Reports will continue to lap over into the second year (following their date), and there will be no possibility of bringing them out less than two years late.

U.S. National Museum

The appropriation of $37,500 for the National Museum for 1924 for printing and binding the manuscripts already recommended by the Advisory Committee is inadequate. On January 31, $10,000 has been expended, and there are outstanding requisitions which are estimated to cost $21,841, making a total of $31,841 obligated the first seven months of the year. 

There are also in the hands of the Editor five manuscripts which have been accepted, and which are estimated to cost $6,607 which makes a total of $38,408, or an excess over the appropriation of $908.
In addition to those referred to there are a number of other papers in the course of preparation by members of staff, based upon the Museum collections, besides a very important paper entitled "The Flora of Utah and Nevada" by Ivar Tidestrom, which have to go over until next year.
The Budget Bureau has made a reduction of over $7,000 in the total estimate of appropriation for the Institution for 1925. If then the Museum is charged with the proportionate loss, its appropriation will be only $35,000 which, of course, will be inadequate to publish even the papers prepared by the staff.

Bureau of American Ethnology.

Appropriation, Printing, and Binding, 1924 | $21,000.00
Balance from fiscal year 1922-23 | [[underlined]]879.17[[/underlined]]
Amount Available | $21,879.17

The estimated cost of publications completed during the present year for the Bureau of Ethnology:
Bulletin 40, part 2 | $3,197.00
Bulletin 80 | 2,566.82
Bulletin 81 | [[underlined]]2,374.70 [[/underlined]]

The estimated cost of publications in press:
Bulletin 78 | $3,612.72
38th Annual Report | 9,654.00
Stationary and Binding | [[underlined]]279.03[[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] 13,545.75 21,642.27 [[/underlined]]
Balance this fiscal year | $194.90

Bureau statement continued on page 617
[[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]