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Complete Statement Concerning Printing and Binding of Smithsonian Institution and Branches.

[[5 column table]]
| |[[header for 2 columns]]Estimates 1925[[/header for 2 columns]]|Appropriation 1924|Appropriation 1923|
| |Submitted-|Allowed by Budget| | |
|For printing and binding the annual reports of the Board of Regents, with general appendixes, the edition of which shall not exceed 10,000 copies.................|$20,000|$10,000|$10,000|$10,000|
|Under the Smithsonian Institution--For the annual reports of the National Museum, with general appendixes, and for printing labels and blanks and for the bulletins and proceedings of the National Museum, the editions of which shall not exceed 4,000 copies, and binding, in half morocco or material not more expensive, scientific books and pamphlets presented to or acquired by the National Museum Library.....|37,500|35,000|37,500|37,500|
|For the annual reports and bulletins of the Bureau of American Ethnology, and for miscellaneous printing and binding for the bureau..........|21,000|18,500|21,00|21,000|
|For the annual report of the National Gallery of Art and for printing catalogues, labels, and blanks.........|2,000|1,000|1,000|1,000|
|For miscellaneous printing and binding for the International Exchanges.........|200|200|200|200|
|The International Catalogue of Scientific Literature.......|100|100|100|100|
|The National Zoological Park..|300|300|300|300|
|The Astrophysical Observatory..|300|300|300|300|
|And for the Annual Report of the American Historical Association......................|7,000|4,600|7,000|7,000|
| |------|------|-----|-----|
In all...........|$88,400|$70,000|77,400|77,400|
[[/5 column table]]

[[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]

Transcription Notes:
In the table there are no lines between columns etc but have used the | symbol to keep figures straight for myself. Please edit as you see fit. KO