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firm of Tamblyn & Brown, 17 East 42nd Street, New York City, under the plan outlined in the accompanying letter. This letter had been placed before the Regents by mail together with letters from persons who had engaged this firm in similar enterprises.

The Secretary stated that the matter had been under consideration for nearly a year, and that Tamblyn & Brown had made a survey of the Smithsonian situation and believed that a successful result would ensue:

November 10, 1924.

Dr. Charles D. Walcott, Secretary,
Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, D. C.

My dear Doctor Walcott:

In response to your request we herewith present a tentative plan and the maximum cost for conducting a campaign to raise the first unit of $1,000,000 of the endowment fund desired for the Smithsonian Institution:

We believe that for reasons of economy and strategy this initial effort should be confined to the cities of Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, and their immediate environments. This will permit of concentrated effort in a limited area.

We estimate that intensive newspaper, magazine and radio publicity will be necessary over a period of six months, preceding the data of actual fund solicitation in order to correct the general and popular belief that the Institution is supported by government appropriation, and to recount its splendid history and potentialities for public service to science and industry. This publicity will also prepare the way for solicitation of individual givers and the general public.

Following this publicity preparation the actual campaign organization will be built up through a small general campaign committee and special local committees in each of the four cities designated. These local committees will be composed of those identified with and interested in the sciences and such of the industrial arts as may be determined upon. This organization work and the actual fund raising we estimate will require four months.

For carrying out the publicity program during the entire period of ten months (the preparatory and actual campaign periods) the firm will assign from its staff a newspaper publicity expert to cover the four cities specified together with such assistants as are necessary to produce the pamphlet material desired. 

To carry out the organization program a director in chief and four field assistants will be assigned to cover the four cities during the money raising period of four months. 

Under the personal guidance of these directors the local sub-committees
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