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Four requirements determine the choice:-

1. Stable government to insure safety from destruction;
2. Convenient transportation;
3. Desert conditions of maximum cloudlessness;
4. High altitude to avoid error from the atmospheric dust and humidity near the earth's surface.

Having found by five years experience that summer conditions are unfavorable at the solar station on Mount Harqua Hala, Arizona, that Station has been removed to Table Mountain, California, at a cost of about $10,000, defrayed by Mr. John A. Roebling. The new location is 2,000 feet higher (7,500 feet in all) and more accessible. Observations for the past ten months indicate that it will prove greatly superior to Harqua Hala.

Mr. Roebling, having given over $123,000 to promote our solar investigations and the studies of world weather based thereon, has now finally withdrawn further support, feeling that the time has come for others to carry on the work.


Early in October, word was received from Mr. Carl W. Bishop, Associate Curator for the Freer Gallery of Art and leader of our Archaeological Expedition to China, that Governor Yen Hsi-siang of Shansi had just given our Field Staff permission to operate anywhere within the boundaries of his Province. This constitutes by far the longest forward step we have taken since we began, two and a half years ago, and for the first time in history, the difficult task of prosecuting archaeological research in China openly and on a basis of cooperation with the Chinese authorities, -- the only method from which results of full scientific value may be reasonably expected.

Shansi is extremely rich in the archaeological materials of history, especially in remains of the Buddhist culture brought into North China by the Tartar founders of the Wei dynasty, A.D. 386.  Moreover, for our purposes,

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