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Smithsonian Institution  701

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Mr. Delano submitted the following:

At the last meeting of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, the following resolution was passed:-

RESOLVED; That a committee is hereby created, consisting of the Executive Committee and two other members of the Board to be designated by the Chancellor, to consider the future course of the development of the Institution, and to submit its recommendations to the Board at its next meeting.

(The Chancellor appointed, in addition to the Executive Committee, Mr. Choate and Mr. Morrow)

On behalf of Mr. White, the Chairman of this Committee, I beg to report progress.

The Committee has had an active part in planning for the meeting and demonstration to be held in this building tomorrow. Believing that that meeting will speak for itself and fully present to the Board of Regents the problems before us, the Committee had nothing further to offer at the moment.

The lamented death only yesterday, of Dr. Charles D. Walcott, the honored Secretary of the Institution, presents a serious problem upon which the Committee is not at the moment ready to report.  Indeed, we believe that it would be well for the Board of Regents to suspend judgement until after tomorrow's meeting.  That meeting, which will lay fully before the Board the problems of the Institution, will establish a basis upon which the question can be taken up.

Your Committee would respectfully request that it be given more time, and that at the close of the meeting tomorrow the Board of Regents as a whole reconvene and determine the action it will take, either in the form of instructions to your Committee, or some other suitable action.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of Mr. Henry White, Chairman.

On motion, the report was received, and after discussion, it was decided that, on account of pressing engagements of many of the Regents, the proposed meeting of the Board should be held at some later date to be selected by the Acting Secretary.


At the suggestion of the Chancellor, the following resolution was adopted:-

RESOLVED; That the Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Dr. Charles Greeley Abbot, is hereby designated as Acting Secretary, and pending future action of the Board, is authorized to perform the duties of the Secretary of the Institution.