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A representative of the Department of Vertebrate Paleontology will examine a fossil deposit in northern Oklahoma, recently reported to the Institution. 

Work on aquatic invertebrates will be carried on during the summer at Matamek, Quebec, at a laboratory belonging to Mr. Copley Amory. 

Dr. J. M. Aldrich, Curator of Insects, expects to carry on field work in the Rocky Mountain region during the summer. 

A sixth volume of Mr. A. B. Bent's "Life Histories of North American Birds" is just off the press.

One volume of an extensive report on the fishes of the Philippines is now in press and the manuscript for the second volume is just completed. 

About one-third of the recently received Roebling Collection of Minerals has now been unpacked and examined. 

[[underlined]] Bureau of American Ethnology [[/underlined]]. In May, Mr. F.H.H.Roberts will begin studies of Indian remains in an unexplored canon on the border of Utah. 

Dr. J. Walter Fewkes, Chief of the Bureau, will excavate near Kingman, Arizona. 

Work in Alaska on the origin of Indian life in America is to be continued. 

[[underlined]] The Freer Gallery of Art [[/underlined]].- In the autumn of 1926, Mr. C.W.Bishop, Associate Curator of the Freer Gallery, and his two Chinese colleagues, had the most successful archeological expedition of their experience in Shansi Province, China. 

[[underlined]] Astrophysical Observatory [[/underlined]]. - The Southwest African Observatory is in good shape and began regular observations in December, 1926. Unfortunately, extraordinarily cloudy conditions have prevailed this winter in Southern California, Chile, and Southwest Africa, to the detriment of the work. What has hitherto seemed an irregular solar variation has lately been resolved into definite regular periodicities of 11 years, 25 ^[[&]] 2/3 months, 15 months and 11 months.  There is now strong hope that solar variation will become predictable
[[initialed]] CGA [[/initialed]]