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Secretary Walcott making a conditional bequest to the Institution. No formal action was taken but the Board directed that there should be prepared for consideration at the next meeting a resolution expressing its acceptance of the conditions and its gratitude at Dr. Walcott's generosity.

The following is therefore submitted for the Board's consideration:–

WHEREAS; The Board Of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution having been informed of the bequest to the Institution by its late Secretary, Charles D. Walcott, of Fifty thousand dollars, subject to a life interest of his daughter, Helen B. Walcott (now Helen Walcott Younger); said bequest on her decease, to be transferred in its entirety to the CHARLES D. AND MARY VAUX WALCOTT RESEARCH FUND and become a part thereof, and be treated in the same manner as the original donation to that FUND; and

WHEREAS; It is also provided by the said testator that if at any time before or after the death of said daughter, Helen Walcott Younger, the Smithsonian Institution shall have been placed under the control of any Executive Department or branch of the Federal Government, the said bequest of Fifty thousand dollars, both principal and any interest that may have accrued at the time of such transfer, shall then be paid to the George Washington University of Washington, District of Columbia; 

RESOLVED; That the Board hereby unqualifiedly accept the said bequest together with all the conditions imposed therein, with an expression of its grateful appreciation of the late Secretary's generosity.

On motion, the resolutions were adopted.


The Acting Secretary read the following letter:-

To the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution:

I wish to express to you my appreciation of the resolution of sympathy sent to me after the death of my husband, Dr. Charles D. Walcott.

It has been a great comfort to me to feel that those with whom he worked for so many years were sharing in my sorrow and bearing the burden with me.

With profound respect, I am,

Very sincerely,


In submitting his annual report, the Acting Secretary said:-

"The Smithsonian Institution issues 12 distinct series of publications,

which constitute its chief means of accomplishing the diffusion of knowledge. During the fiscal year 1927, the Institution published a total of 117 volumes
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