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[[preprinted]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION  766 [[/preprinted]]

Page 7.
A. National Museum (Continued)
Heating and Lighting - Salaries (Continued)
Brought forward..$5,460
For step-ups to bring salaries to the average for their respective grades.... 520
Purchase of electric current.... 12,000
Because of vibration resulting from the dynamos now in use, plans are under consideration to eliminate the manufacture of electricity, and procure all that is needed by purchase under Government contract.
Total.... $17,980

Preservation of Collections - Salaries
4 Additional curators P 4 at $4,4000 (average grade).... $17,600
Important collections in corals, fishes, minerals and in certain technological and industrial fields, now have no curators in charge or are handled by assistant curators. It is desired to add 4 curators to the staff to care for part of this materials in a more competent manner.
5 Additional assistant curators P3 at $3,300 (average grade).... 16,500
In a number of divisions work is carried on by only one person of scientific training, a curator; an assistant curator should be provided to assist in the necessary routine and correspondence, and to be training to succeed to the curatorship as the older men drop out.
6 Additional scientific aids S P 6 at $2,100 (average grade).... 12,600
1 Administrative officer CAF 11.... 4,400
To assist in the steadily mounting routine of fiscal work.