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being obtained by the removal of exhibits from four of the main rooms at the Gallery. They are as follows: (1) A collection of portraits by Bernhard Osterman of Stockholm, Sweden, (2) The Annual Exhibition of the Society of Washington Artists, (3) A collection of paintings by Contemporary British Artists, (4) The Annual Exhibition of the Washington Water Color Club and (5) A collection, now on view, of paintings of French Cathedrals by Pieter van Veen.

The Committee on Resolutions on the death of Dr. Walcott presented the following, which was adopted:-

WHEREAS; The National Gallery of Art Commission of the Smithsonian Institution, having learned of the death, on February 9, 1927, of Doctor Charles D. Walcott, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, and ex officio a member of this Commission,

RESOLVED; That we here record our profound sorrow at the passing of this distinguished man of science, whose achievements as the head of the Smithsonian Institution expended its renown and added greatly to the sum of human knowledge; but particularly are we desirous of expressing our sense of the loss of one who was also keenly alive to the importance of developing the art side of the Institution's activities, and to whose foresight is due the establishment of this Commission as a means of insuring a high standard of excellence for the art works acquired by the National Gallery of Art.

RESOLVED; That these resolutions be incorporated in the present annual report of the Commission to the Board of Regents, and that a copy of them be transmitted by the Secretary of the Commission to the family of Doctor Walcott.

Dr. C. G. Abbot
Dr. W. H. Holmes


The Secretary called attention to the offer of a portrait of George Inness, by a Mr. Couter, which was accepted by the Commission.

On inquiry of the Acting Chairman, Mr. Fraser stated that replicas of his marble busts of Elihu Root and Robert Bacon, executed for the Carnegie Institution, would be available for forwarding to the National Gallery at an early date.

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