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[[preprinted]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 832 [[/preprinted]] The meeting of the Commission adjourned at 11:55 A. M. Respectfully submitted, Gari E. Melchers, Chairman, James G. Traylor, Temporary Secretary On motion, the report was ordered filed, and the Board adopted the following resolution: RESOLVED; That the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution hereby approves the recommendation of the National Gallery of Art Commission that W. K. Bixby, W. H. Holmes, Herbert L. Pratt, and Charles Borie, be re-elected as members of the Commission for the ensuing term of four years, their present terms having expired. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mr. Delano, Chairman, submitted the printed Annual Report of the Executive Committee for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1929, and called attention to the change in the form of the report, particularly to the effort that had been made to draw a clear distinction between funds received by the Smithsonian from private sources and for research work, and those due to appropriations received from Congress for upkeep of the various establishments, and for other specific purposes. He also drew attention to the gratifying increase in the general funds of the Institution, and the notable increase in the Freer Fund, pointing out that the rate of growth in recent years had been considerably greater than in years previous, suggesting that this ought to hearten the Regents in the efforts being made for increased financial support. On motion, the Report was accepted. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PERMANENT COMMITTEE Mr. Delano then stated that the Permanent Committee had held frequent meetings relating to various subjects of importance, including in particular those of the insecticide patent and the Gellatly Collection, which had led to the results already touched upon by the Secretary. [[initialed]] CGA [[/initialed]]