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[[preprinted]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 833 [[/preprinted]] Too recently to be acted upon by the Committee, the Secretary had presented to him a memorandum relating to a department of publicity, or perhaps it would better be termed a department to arouse public interest and obtain increased support for the Institution. He was not able to report this as a Committee recommendation, but personally was favorable to some movement of the sort after mature consideration by the Board. The Secretary's memorandum was as follows: MEMORANDUM FOR MR. DELANO AND THE PERMANENT COMMITTEE December 3, 1929. 1. A Program of Publicity. A. Regular short articles to the press. B. "Members of the Smithsonian Institution." a. Quarterly periodical for Members." Including the matter of the "Local Notes" and the "Exploration Pamphlet" now both published by the Institution, as well as interesting articles contributed. b. "Smithsonian Report" to be printed additional to present edition in sufficient numbers to be sent all "Members." c. Pleasant room with changing exhibits and literature, and with attendant, for use of "Members". d. Classes of "Members." 1. Members, at $5.00 annually. 2. Patrons, at $10.00 annually. 3. Life Members with payment of $200 once for all 4. Benefactors, all givers of $1,000 or more whether for special objects or for the general funds. e. Interesting wealthy individuals and foundations to make gifts or bequests to the Institution. [[initialed]] CGA [[/initialed]]