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Dr.Wetmore stated that it was his understanding that a replica of the statue in bronze was intended.

On Motion, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED; That the matter of the proposed site at the Connecticut Avenue entrance to the National Zoological Park for the Bush-Brown statue of The Indian Hunt be referred to the Executive Committee with power to act.


[[underlined]] The Research Corporation. [[/underlined]] The Secretary recalled that this Corporation had already manifested its interest in the work of the Division of Radiation and Organisms on the study of the influence of light upon plants and human life, by grants in this and the two preceding years, and had recently increased its grant for this year from $15,000 to $18,000.

[[underlined]] The Insecticide Patent. [[/underlined]] The Research Corporation was continuing its experiments with the insecticide turned over to it by the Institution. It now appeared of doubtful value alone, but appeared promising as a spreader and conserving medium for another insecticide. Tests of its value in this connection were still going on.

[[underlined]] The Roebling Gifts [[/underlined]]. The Secretary said that the Board had been informed from time to time of the generous gifts of Mr. John A. Roebling to aid in the work of the Astrophysical observatory. These gifts, together with large mineral collection of Washington A. Roebling, Mr.John A. Roebling's father inherited by the latter and presented by him to the Institution with a fund for its maintenance, had amounted in the last ten years to something like Five hundred thousand dollars. Quite recently, Mr.Roebling had been added to his gifts the sum of $28,000 for the promotion of an expedition to Africa for the purpose of dicsovering sites suitable for solar observing stations. It was suggested that the Secretary write to Mr. Roebling expressing the Board's appreciation of his interest generosity.