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22, September 27th.,

Dear Boris: 

This is just to confirm to you that "GOD UNKNOWN", carefully packed in a double case, has been duly shipped - as I wired you - to Mr. James G. MC MILLAN, in Chicago. 

It is insured, as per your instructions, for the sum of $5,000., and I thought it wiser of course, to include the "breakage" clause, as after all, that is the main danger for a work of art of that type. 

I do hope that it will arrive safely. 

From your previous letter I gather that it won't be long now before I have the pleasure of seeing you here. 

With all good wishes, 

Sincerely yours, 

(Germain Séligmann)

Boris Lovet-Lorski, Esq., 
1655 Gilcrest Drive, 
Beverly Hills, California.