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Book [[underlined]] T [[/underlined]]

F-1 Eniwetok, Site Flova

May 12 ~ Mon.

-No sample 0-10' as all measurements are from rotary table. No sample 10-20'. Only one sample sack taken for intervals 20-45', 45-55', & 55-60'. Two sample sacks filled thereafter.

Drilling plan is to drill with 8 3/4" bit to 150 +/- ft., then ream hole, then insert 13 3/8" casing. Due to caving the samples to 150' are expected to be contaminated.

Drilling was very easy in very soft (unconsolidated) material to 57'; drilling [[underlined]]slightly [[/underlined]] harder thereafter, but still easy. Hole caved slightly until rod was to be connected at 103'. Here caving was so bad that "Red mud" (650 lbs.) had to be added to drilling mud already consisting of Zeogel, Impermex, & Fibertex, & Jelflakes, & (loss circulation material), & "Caustic". Caustic is Imperal Preservative.

Drilling ceased at 103' and about 7 p.m. Next rod was put on at beginning of nite shift.

Samples taken from head of outlet trough and in front of a baffle in the trough.

R.C. Townsend sampling on swing shift.

May 13 - Tues - M Russell
Start - 10 3'
- Hard layer at 106'-107'
Sample at 110'