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[[on reverse side of previous page]]

[[underlined]] Notes on Core  No 11 [[/underlined]] ~ 4197-4222

White, friable, porous, even-grained ls. consisting mostly of rod-like bodies measuring 1-2mm. in length (probably algal - [[underlined]] Lithophyllum? [[/underlined]] ). and forams (-both larger and smaller types; smaller forams ^[[the]] more abundant) and fine detritus - all loosely cemented into a "firm" (medium hard) rock. No evidence of solution or extensive recrystallization. Differs strikingly from section above in that corals are almost, if not completely absent. Echinoderm fragments - spines, etc. present but not abundant. Rods and flattened forams are not oriented with long axis horizontal but instead, lie at all angles - a mass of interlocked fragments.


Samples to Cole - 6/4/52
S - from top piece of core
T - " [[ditto for: from]] 1'6 below top of core
U - " [[ditto for: from]] 4'4" " " " " [[dittos for: below top of core]]
V - " [[ditto for: from]] 4" from bottom of core
