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tendency to dampen the effects of hardness which were easily detected in the upper part of the section; namely drill chatter and bucking. [[strikethrough]] and ( [[/strikethrough]] The additional cushion of large amounts of cuttings in the hole (no mud circulation here) might have this dampening effect also.

2) Being a sand, even though fairly well cemented, this rock is probably much easier to drill (hence faster drilling rate) than rocks of equal hardness which had much dense portions of coral
(Perhaps the words "degree of cementation", rather than "hardness" is a more accurate description of the characteristic for which an interpretation has here been attempted)

1.30 AM Because 1) the hole should be approaching the postulated basalt and 2) Core 11 is a unique rock type (suggesting near and further changes in lithology), it has been decided to drill only 60 feet more before [[strikethrough]] core [[/strikethrough]] running core barrel again. 

[[circled]] 11 [[/circled]]