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on bottom & hold to circulate for 10 minutes before coring. Bill Springer was nearly "knocked on his substructure" by electric shock during the efforts to free the kelly.

4.20 AM. Core drilled. One 3-foot interval and two 1-foot intervals drilled at 1 ft per minute. Rest drilled at 2 ft per minute.

TOTCO 4406' = 3°

[[margin]] Core #13 4406-4431 (see above) [[/margin]]

7.00 AM. Recovered 1 foot core - 3 oriented pieces. 4% recovery. Cream-colored although this may be staining & true color white. No reaction to acid - Dolomite.

June 5 ~ Thurs ~ 8 AM - 4 PM ~ Ladd

Working on drilling line and brakes

10:45 AM - start into hole with rock bit. Bit hit 200' cuttings at bottom + had to be washed down. Core hole reamed.

3:00 Drilling at 4431' started.

[[underlined]] 4 P.M. - 11:30 P.M. [[/underlined]]

Drilling at beginning of shift. Drilled to 4500 at 4:57. Then mixed pit of mud (105 bags Zeogel & 23 bags Impermex). Started to pump mud down at about 7:30.

8:15 Started to pull pipe. Totco inserted.
